Author: Ra Asensi


A lucid dream made of slime and stone. Installation which combines sculpture, sound, and video works. RKE, Getxoarte 2023 residency. With the support of Provincial Council of Biscay (2022).


~ asphaltic earth ~

«asphaltic earth» is an artefact or and exhibition. It brings several processes together which took place with a feeling of vibrant darkness. They wonder about the potential of inhabiting this darkness, not knowing exactly in what direction, of what is buried or hidden, sort of tempting. 21/10/2022 – 11/11/2022 at Torre de Ariz – Arizko Dorretxea, … Seguir leyendo

~ asphaltic earth ~

abyss – ālis

“abyss – ālis” (2022) Glazed stoneware, seaweed ashes and wood will be installed and exhibited in @guggenheimbilbao, opening the 8th of july.  This exhibition will show selected works by artists Raquel Asensi, Nora Aurrekoetxea, Helena Goñi, Jon Gorospe, Gala Knörr, Maite Pinto, Karla Tobar, Alain Urrutia, Cristian Villavicencio y Diego Vivanco. Museum website:

abyss – ālis

Pegarreko Urak

16/06/2022 – 19:00 – Centro Cultural Amaia “Pegarreko Urak – Aguas de cántaro” is a film essay created by Raquel Asensi about the relations established between women’s labour and ceramics in Irun and Basque Country. Through this essay, we visit characters like the “aguadoras” who carried water to the homes, industrial porcelain workers who were usually … Seguir leyendo

Pegarreko Urak

Labor Amoris Perditus Est

The opening of the exhibition “Labor Amoris Perditus Est” (Lost Jobs of Love) was on Friday, 20th of September, 2019. Blooming funghi, second inflorescence. A collaboration between Raquel Asensi and Arkeologi Museoa in Bilbao, organized by Colectivo Ant during Iturfest V art festival, curated by Laura Díez.

Labor Amoris Perditus Est

Unadapted Resistance

Solo exhibition «Unadapted Resistance», curated by Cristina Arrazola at Montehermoso, Vitoria-Gasteiz from 17th of May until the 6th of June, 2019. Photography of the installation by Jon Gorospe.

Unadapted Resistance


Solo exhibition Rest[less] Object was held from 3rd to 31st of May in Fundación Bilbaoarte Fundazioa. Photography by Moriah de Zen.


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